I forget how beautiful the Somerset levels are as the winter sunshine lights up the flat green moors with the Tor rising in the background
It really was a photographers day with brilliant blue skies, we were actually on the way to see my best friend who lives in town but the call of the levels were too much as I veered out of Glastonbury ... where are you going my hubby asks ..... I just have to take a couple of photos ..... we head onto the levels & turn onto this lovely straight road which runs parallel to the tor!
I'm wandering about in the middle of the road snapping away while my husband worries I may get run over ..... bless him I don't like to point out that these roads are very quiet & I can see for miles!
With my picture taking urge fufilled we continued with our visiting but as we returned & the sky turned a fantastic colour the draw was there again as the levels silhouetted against a beautiful sky!
Beautiful ... nature finishes the day with a final flourish!!!